I have an income distribution dataset which I am attempting to manipulate in Stata (or SAS).
I need to come up with a table listing the number of households earning between one income level and another. The income levels are regularly spaced, say at $10,000 intervals for example.
In other words, for $i=30,000$, I want to know the number of households $H_i$ receiving between 20,000 and 30,000. And I want to know this for each i, at 10,000 dollar intervals, from 10,000 up to oh let's say 280,000.
$H_i=\int_{i-10000}^{i}f(x)\: dx$
$(0 < i\leq280000)$
(Where f(x) is the underlying density function representing households plotted along the y-axis, and x is income level, plotted along the x-axis. The distribution will have the skewed (lognormal-like) shape typical of income distributions.)
Does anyone know the Stata (or SAS) command that would give me this info? In Stata I can get the income at each percentile of the population using the "centile" command, but this doesn't quite give me what I want.