I'm working in the area of natural language processing, to be specific I'm reviewing the parsers that take advantage of data-mining techniques.
I've read an introduction to natural language processing, specifically the maximum entropy approach by Della Pietra and others. In that paper, the authors explain that features are indicator functions that take into account certain aspects of the text. The problem is that this aspects affect the maximum entropy function.
In the case of parsing, I have problems understanding the concept of features. For parsing one must have:
- Two sets, $X$ for the sentences and $Y$ for the parses
- For each sentence $x \in X$, one must have the N-best list of candidate parses; denoted $GEN(x) \subset Y$.
- Training samples $(x_j,y_j)$. The $x_j$ are sentences and the $y_j$ are parses.
- And a feature mapping $\Phi(X,Y)$ that maps each pair (x,y) to a vector of feature values.
The problem of parsing will consist of finding the weight vector such that the following expression is minimized
$$ -\sum log P(y_j|x_j,w) + \lambda ||w||_1 $$
$$ P(y_j|x_j,w) = \frac{exp \{w^T \Phi(x_j,y_j)\} }{ \sum_{u \in GEN(x)} exp\{ w^T\Phi(x_j,u) \} } $$
My question is, what are the features in this case? Some codified version of the parsing tree? Are the features a statistical concept?
I will also appreciate any bibliography that can be useful in tackling this issue.
UPDATE: I've talked to a professor and he had just told me that the features are obtained after doing a classification algorithm based on the parse-tree. Do you know what kind of classification is done with the parse tree?