In addition to the answers that others have provided, another approach to this problem is achieved through a model based approach. The central limit theorem approach is certainly valid, and the bootstrapped estimates offer a lot of protection from small sample and mode misspecification issues.
For sheer efficiency, you can get a better confidence interval for $\lambda$ by using a regression model based approach. No need to go through derivations, but a simple calculation in R goes like this:
x <- rpois(100, 14)
exp(confint(glm(x ~ 1, family=poisson)))
This is a non-symmetric interval estimate, mind you, since the natural parameter of the poisson glm is the log relative rate! This is an advantage since there is a tendency for count data to be skewed to the right.
The above approach has a formula and it is :
$$\exp\left( \log \hat{\lambda} \pm \sqrt{\frac{1}{n\hat{\lambda} }}\right)$$
This confidence interval is "efficient" in the sense that it comes from maximum likelihood estimation on the natural parameter (log) scale for Poisson data, and provides a tighter confidence interval than the one based on the count scale while maintaining the nominal 95% coverage.