
Lets say we have a AR(1)-ARCH(1) time series model and we want to check the residuals for Ljung-Box. If the residuals of the model is Fit@residuals (using R for modeling) and the variance of the model is Fit@Sigma Is it true that the real residuals that we should check is Fit@residuals/Fit@Sigma ? since from Box et al. 2008 we have:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


In an ARMA-GARCH model it is the standardized residuals that should be i.i.d., non-autocorrelated and conditionally homoskedastic, and have the distribution that was assumed when forming the likelihood function of the model. That is not the raw residuals from the ARMA model $a_t$ (following the notation above) but the standardized residuals $e_t$ (as implicitly defined in the equation 10.1.3).

It seems you may be using "fGarch" package in R. Then @residuals will yield $a_t$ as the "fGarch" package pdf says on p. 13: "a numeric vector with the (raw, unstandardized) residual values". Then $e_t$ could indeed be obtained as Fit@residuals/[email protected]; it is $e_t$ that should be the input for tests for presence of autocorrelation, remaining ARCH effects etc.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for the answer just to be clear I am actually using garchfit and garchinfer functions in MATLAB but I used these notions since most of people know R here. By any chance do you know that the residuals that I get from garchinfer function is the same as the '@residuals' from "fGarch" in R? $\endgroup$
    – Fred
    Commented Jun 6, 2015 at 20:06
  • $\begingroup$ No, unfortunately I do not use Matlab. I suppose there should be some help files stating clearly what is what in Matlab. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 6, 2015 at 20:58

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