Anyone knows any R package/function to run a reaction norms model for the analysis of genotype × environment interactions? I don't know if shuch models could be performed using the lme4 or the MCMCglmm packages.
2 Answers
I answered myself. I found the following paper where the lme4 package is used to perform a reaction norm analysis: Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2011(2), 362–374. However, if someone can provide more information about this kinds of models, I would appreciate.
You should be able to analyse GxE using any mixed effects model package in R, but selecting one really depends upon your data: lme4, ASreml-R, MCMCglmm are some of your options.
Here are some papers that might help:
- Bolker et al (2009) TREE is great, and be sure to look at the supplementary materials.
- Wilson et al (2009) JAE is generally useful, but especially so if you are using a pedigree.