I am working on example 7.3.1 from the Second Edition of the book An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models in section 7.3 Dose response models. This example fits a simple logistic regression model on the following data:
This seems easy enough. However, I am having an issue with the Deviance Statistic calculated for this example. The following is my R code that will reproduce a Deviance Statistic $D=11.23$ just like this example in the book has.
#original data
#copied in by row
( df <- data.frame(
Trial = 1:8,
Dose = c(1.6907, 1.7242, 1.7552, 1.7842, 1.8113, 1.8369, 1.8610, 1.8839),
Yes = c(6, 13, 18, 28, 52, 53, 61, 60),
No = c(59, 60, 62, 56, 63, 59, 62, 60)- c(6, 13, 18, 28, 52, 53, 61, 60),
Total = c(59, 60, 62, 56, 63, 59, 62, 60)
) )
#Logistic Regression Model
mle_beet <- glm(cbind(Yes, No)~Dose, family=binomial(logit), data=df)
Section 5.6.1 of this same book derives the Deviance Statistic for the Binomial Model to be:
$D = 2\sum^{N}_{i=1}y_{i}[ log_{e}(\frac{y_i}{\hat{y_i}})+(n_i - y_i)log_{e}(\frac{n_i - y_i}{n_i - \hat{y_i}}) ]$
However, looking closely at the given data, it can be seen that for the last row, the number of beetles killed is the same as the total number of beetles ( $n_{8}=y_{8}$ ). This means that the very last part in the sum for D
$ y_{8}log_{e}(\frac{y_8}{\hat{y_8}})+(n_8 - y_8)log_{e}(\frac{n_8 - y_8}{n_8 - \hat{y_8}}) = 60log_{e}(\frac{60}{\hat{y_8}})+(0)log_{e}(\frac{0}{n_8 - \hat{y_8}})$
In particular, this value contains:
$0log_{e}(0)=0(-\infty)=$ undefined
Here is the R code that agrees with this:
sum( 2*(df$Yes*(log(df$Yes/(mle_beet$fitted.values*df$Total))) + (df$Total-df$Yes)*
log((df$Total-df$Yes)/(df$Total-mle_beet$fitted.values*df$Total) ) ) )
My question is: What is the mathematical reasoning for computing the Deviance Statistic when $n_i=y_i$? What do the book and R do in the background to obtain $D=11.23$?
(Note that the book likely didn't use R to get this value, but the two agree)
Thank you!
EDIT: See the accepted answer and its comments for a great explanation.
If you happen to be computing the Deviance through the formula in R (you likely shouldn't since mle_beet$deviance
shows this for you), you can replace -Inf
or Nan
in each vector that results from an individual operation. The following works for this example:
x <- df$Yes*(log(df$Yes/(mle_beet$fitted.values*df$Total)))
x[is.na(x) | x==-Inf ] <- 0 #only in a case $n_i = y_i$
y <- (df$Total-df$Yes)*
log((df$Total-df$Yes)/(df$Total-mle_beet$fitted.values*df$Total) ) )
y[is.na(y) | y==-Inf ] <- 0 #only in a case $n_i = y_i$
sum(x+y)*2 #the deviance