As mmh commented, you cannot reconstruct the exact signal with these numbers. You can generate data that are distributed such that they have these moments, but the distribution is not uniquely determined by them; that would only be the case if you had all moments of arbitrarily high order (and even in this case not necessarily, see comment by Glen_b below). Moreover, these moments do not provide any information about the temporal structure (autocorrelation, spectrum) of the signal.
If this is not a problem, you could opt to generate white noise using some distribution that matches the moments. A reasonable choice might be to use a distribution from the Pearson family. The Matlab function pearsrnd
from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox provides a way to do that.
I would like to stress though that this provides in no way an estimate of the signal; rather it produces realizations of a stochastic process that shares some properties with your given signal.