I am a trainee clinical psychologist investigating whether age, ethnicity, or gender influence the uptake of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for psychosis in four different complex needs teams. This is a small quality improvement project of 5,000 words. I have already run descriptive and chi-squared analyses on a different aspect of the data for which I received help on this forum. I have created a number of categories of uptake of therapy (DV) e.g. CBT>16 sessions, CBT ongoing, no CBT offered, etc. At a minimum I need to include 3 categories but 5 categories would be better (I can use just 3 if the analysis is going to become a lot more complicated for each additional category). Ethnicity is divided into 5 categories, I am not sure how to divide age, and gender speaks for itself.
My plan was to do a regression for each of the four teams. For example, in Team 1 do any of the ethnic categories predict uptake of therapy? Does age predict uptake of therapy? Etc.
Two of the teams have quite small numbers <40 and because of this and missing data, some of the ethnicity categories are <5. Overall there are 315 clients. I understand the power of the regression will be greater, the bigger the sample I have, but I have to balance this out with it being of greater clinical use knowing results for each team rather than the service as a whole. But I am open to amalgamating all four teams into one IV if this will make my life easier.
I have SPSS and Excel. I have carried out multiple regression before with SPSS but I just want the simplest, most straightforward way of carrying out the analysis. My hypothesis is the null one - ethnicity, age or gender do not predict the uptake of therapy.