Please review When (and why) should you take the log of a distribution (of numbers)? . I have programmed this in AUTOBOX ( a commercially available time series software package which I have helped develop) which eliminates the normally required visual/graphical analysis of the model errors by optionally/automatically performing the Box-Cox test. Notice I said model errors NOT the original data. Note well that oftentimes the error variance changes deterministically in time. This is very important and has been virtually ignored . See
More importantly you should not perform multiple regression on time series data due to opportunities/complications involved with time series analysis. Specifically identifying the appropriate/correct lag structure is impacted by auto-correlation in the data and Pulses/Level Shifts/Seasonal Pulses/Local Time Trends and changes in parameters over time and of course the homogeneity of the model error variance. See a blog I wrote discussing the differences between regression and Box-Jenkins . Perhaps Prof. King might be interested in the pitfalls of using ordinary multiple regression (designed for cross-sectional data) when faced with time series data.
The good news is that ultimately a Transfer Function can be restated as a multiple regression with coefficients and lag structures.. This view is very useful in explaining the model in layman’s terms.