Sorry if my question is too simple, I don't have much of a background in statistics. So I'll just try to describe the problem I need to solve in practice.
I'd like at least to find out what known problem this can be reduced to with proper terminology, and possibly how to approach it in R.
I have many client profiles which include simple logs:
Simplified examples from 2 clients (consecutive days in the X and orders in the Y):
Client 1:
5 5 4 5 6 5
-- -- -- -- -- --
Client 2:
10 9 1 0 0 10
-- -- -- -- -- --
Both datasets (6 consecutive days) sum up to 30 orders. However, the first is uniformly distributed, while the second has two high peaks in specific days.
My data contains years of such logs, for hundreds of clients.
The type of analysis I need is: given a client and a time frame, what's their behaviour? Do they do regular purchases (1st type above), or do they make big orders less frequently (snd type above)? If it is the second type, what is the frequency of the peaks? is it regular or random?
EDIT: I am not interested in doing this visually, for a few cases - if not for exploring which technique to use. I need to do this in a bulk fashion, having a few simple indicators as a result