Assume that we have 2 experiments, each of which yields $N$ observations. We label them $(c_1^i,\ldots,c_N^i)$ with $i=1,2$. Each observation is a positive integer, and can be modeled as a Poisson variate. We wish to know where the two experiments disagree.
Assume further that in the classical context, the appropriate analysis for this experiment would be to
- Perform a rate ratio test on all pairs of observations, asking whether $c_i^1$ and $c_i^2$ have the same Poisson rate ($\mathcal{H}_0$) or not ($\mathcal{H}_1$)
- Perform a FDR (Benjamin-Hochberg) correction on the $p$-values to account for multiple testing
- Select those pairs with $q<0.05$
I would like to know what is the Bayesian take on this, in particular at step 2.
- I have pursued a model comparison approach, but am stuck at step 2
First, I write the probability for two observations and one rate, model $M_1$: $$p(M_1|c_i^1,c_i^2) = \int \text{d}\lambda p(c_i^1,c_i^2|\lambda)p(\lambda)$$ Or two rates, model $M_2$: $$p(M_2|c_i^1,c_i^2) = \int \text{d}\lambda_1\text{d}\lambda_2 p(c_i^1|\lambda_1)p(c_i^2|\lambda_2)p(\lambda_1)p(\lambda_2)$$ I use a proper prior for $p(\lambda)$, which I don't want to discuss here.
Then, I compute the Bayes factor for these two models: $K_i = p(M_2|c_i^j)/p(M_1|c_i^j)$ assuming equal prior odds. The Bayes factor for all observations then factorizes into the individual pairs: $K=K_1\cdots K_N$
Now, the big question, is how do we assign most probable models to each pair?
a) Maximize K, e.g. give 1 rate to points for which $K_i<1$ and 2 rates to the others. To me, this sounds like no $p$-value correction for multiple testing, i.e. a bad idea.
b) Seek a combination to reach, say, $K\simeq 3$. But how do I do that? That sounds much closer to FDR to me.
- Write down the posterior probability of one rate being larger than the other, and use this probability in a setting similar to the definition of a $p$-value. I did not try this yet but thought I could write it here.