I encountered some problems with how to analyze my unequal design data set.
- The number of observations was influenced by survival rate of seedlings in tree nursery, where different concentrations of fertilizer were applied.
- I conducted Anova test for my stacked data (which is the height of seedlings and the various concentrations (5) of applied fertilizer).
But can I use simply Anova (aov) if I have unequal sample size? Though the real fun started, when I was trying to find out is TukeyHSD a suitable post-hoc test in this case. Some sources said that Tukey's test is designed for balanced data, while some claimed that TukeyHSD is considered the best available method when confidence intervals are needed or sample sizes are not equal.
I tried to calculate Anova(in excel) for one of the pairs and I got different p-value than from the TukeyHSD test in R. So I assume that the various sample size in one or in another case influenced the result I got.
Would some of you have any suggestions?