$\newcommand{\bx}{\mathbf{x}}$ $\newcommand{\by}{\mathbf{y}}$
I personally prefer the Monte Carlo approach because of its ease. There are alternatives (e.g. the unscented transform), but these are certainly biased.
Let me formalise your problem a bit. You are using a neural network to implement a conditional probability distribution over the outputs $\by$ given the inputs $\bx$, where the weights are collected in $\theta$:
Let us not care about how you obtained the weights $\theta$–probably some kind of backprop–and just treat that as a black box that has been handed to us.
As an additional property of your problem, you assume that your only have access to some "noisy version" $\tilde \bx$ of the actual input $\bx$, where
$$\tilde \bx = \bx + \epsilon$$
with $\epsilon$ following some distribution, e.g. Gaussian. Note that you then can write
p(\tilde \bx\mid\bx) = \mathcal{N}(\tilde \bx| \bx, \sigma^2_\epsilon)
where $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2_\epsilon).$ Then what you want is the distribution
p(\by\mid\tilde \bx) = \int p(\by\mid\bx) p(\bx\mid\tilde \bx) d\bx,
i.e. the distribution over outputs given the noisy input and a model of clean inputs to outputs.
Now, if you can invert $p(\tilde \bx\mid\bx)$ to obtain $p(\bx\mid\tilde \bx)$ (which you can in the case of a Gaussian random variable and others), you can approximate the above with plain Monte Carlo integration through sampling:
p(\by\mid\tilde \bx) \approx \sum_i p(\by\mid\bx_i), \quad \bx_i \sim p(\bx\mid\tilde \bx).
Note that this can also be used to calculate all other kinds of expectations of functions $f$ of $\by$:
f(\tilde \bx) \approx \sum_i f(\by_i), \quad \bx_i \sim p(\bx\mid\tilde \bx), \by_i \sim p(\by\mid\bx_i).
Without further assumptions, there are only biased approximations.