I am enrolled in a machine learning course for machine learning where we have a lab to implement linear regression I am attempting to do it in R to get a better understanding of the material and of R for myself (i don't intend to submit this as a lab as the course doesn't use R) but am coming up against a wall
My understanding of the process is as follows
User Generates a model based on the hypothesis $h_\theta(x) = \theta^TX= \theta_0x_0 +\theta_1x_1+\dots$
Take error rate of your model by using squared error cost function, then iterate, create a new hypothesis and get the error rate of this. Continue through $n$ iterations based on the formula $J(\theta_0,\theta_1)=\frac{1}{2m}\displaystyle\sum_1^m(h_\theta(x^{(i)})−y^{(i)})^2$.
Take all the error rates you have recorded based on the cost history and use
gradient descent
to find automatically the optimal values of your hypothesis.
Using the code on R-Bloggers where the gradient descent is implement below based on vectors x
and y
# add a column of 1's for the intercept coefficient
X <- cbind(1, matrix(x))
# gradient descent
for (i in 1:num_iters) {
error <- (X %*% theta - y)
delta <- (t(X) %*% error) / length(y)
theta <- theta - alpha * delta
cost_history[i] <- cost(X, y, theta)
theta_history[[i]] <- theta
I was wondering if people could help me tease out the logic
Why is the number 1 applied to the matrix
. Is this so that X has 2 columns so that it can be multiplied by theta - y?What is the formula delta actually calculating and why is the Transpose of X being used
Conceptually I think i understand the overall process but i just need to relate this back to the R code as i want to grasp the concept before proceeding to Multiple linear regression
is the design matrix and it needs a column of ones for the intercept. The second question you can best answer yourself by going through the matrix algebra on a sheet of paper. $\endgroup$X %*% theta
). You could use any number (except 0) for this column, but that would rescale the coefficient for the intercept and make it harder to interpret. R'slm
function creates the design matrix automatically and of course uses a column of ones. The coefficients in your example are initialized astheta <- matrix(c(0,0), nrow=2)
and you could use values other than 0 for this. $\endgroup$