This question arises from my actual confusion about how to decide if a logistic model is good enough. I have models that use the state of pairs individual-project two years after they are formed as a dependent variable. The outcome is successful (1) or not (0). I have independent variables measured at the time of formation of the pairs. My aim is to test whether a variable, which I hypothesized would influence the success of the pairs has an effect on that success, controlling for other potential influences. In the models, the variable of interest is significant.
The models were estimated using the glm()
function in R
. To assess the quality of the models, I have done a few things: glm()
gives you the residual deviance
, the AIC
and the BIC
by default. In addition, I have calculated the error rate of the model and plotted the binned residuals.
- The complete model has a smaller residual deviance, AIC and BIC than the other models that I have estimated (and that are nested in the complete model), which leads me to think that this model is "better" than the others.
- The error-rate of the model is fairly low, IMHO (as in Gelman and Hill, 2007, pp.99):
error.rate <- mean((predicted>0.5 & y==0) | (predicted<0.5 & y==1)
, at around 20%.
So far so good. But when I plot the binned residual (again following Gelman and Hill's advice), a large portion of the bins fall outside of the 95% CI:
That plot leads me to think there is something utterly wrong about the model. Should that lead me to throw the model away? Should I acknowledge that the model is imperfect but keep it and interpret the effect of the variable of interest? I have toyed around with excluding variables in turn, and also some transformation, without really improving the binned residuals plot.
- At the moment, the model has a dozen predictors and 5 interaction effects.
- The pairs are "relatively" independent of each other in the sense that they are all formed during a short period of time (but not stricly speaking, all simultaneously) and there are a lot of projects (13k) and a lot of individuals (19k), so a fair proportion of projects are only joined by one individual (there are about 20000 pairs).