My question pertains to excluding the interaction term (once it's deemed insignificant) in a two-way repeated measures ANOVA using the Anova()
function in the car
package. This question is motivated by:
- Trying to better understand how the
function works - Curiosity
- A desire to be consistent with how I have taught other types of ANOVAs (I tell my students to remove an insignificant interaction term and refit the model to assess main effects)
Note: I understand the Anova()
function has a type=
option where one may request either the type II or III SS, and thus we could simply run the model with type=2
and assess the main effect p-values, even if the interaction isn't significant. However, for the reasons listed above, I'm still interested to know if there's any way to actually remove the interaction term and fit a main effects-only model.
Data description: The following example is from the UCLA website and is a repeated measures two-way ANOVA with one within-subject and one between-subject factor The data called exer
consists of people who were randomly assigned to two different diets: low-fat and not low-fat and three different types of exercise: at rest, walking leisurely and running. Their pulse rate was measured at three different time points during their assigned exercise: at 1 minute, 15 minutes and 30 minutes.
Here, I'm considering only time and diet as predictors (ignoring exercise for simplicity). Note that time is a within-subjects factor and diet and is a between-.
Data to recreate example:
exer <- read.csv("")
# Convert variables to factor
exer <- within(exer, {diet <- factor(diet)
exertype <- factor(exertype)
time <- factor(time)
id <- factor(id)
# Convert data to wide format for sake of Anova() function
exer_wide <- reshape(exer,
v.names="pulse", # Outcome variable
timevar="time", # Repeated measures
idvar=c("id", "diet"), # ID variable and non-time-varying predictors
Snapshot of the data at this point:
# id diet exertype pulse.1 pulse.2 pulse.3
# 1 1 1 1 85 85 88
# 4 2 1 1 90 92 93
# 7 3 1 1 97 97 94
# 10 4 1 1 80 82 83
# 13 5 1 1 91 92 91
# 16 6 2 1 83 83 84
# 19 7 2 1 87 88 90
# 22 8 2 1 92 94 95
# 25 9 2 1 97 99 96
# 28 10 2 1 100 97 100
Fitting the repeated measures two-way ANOVA:
Step 1: Create linear model object (note between-subjects factor on the right-hand side):
exer_lm <- lm(cbind(pulse.1, pulse.2, pulse.3) ~ diet, data=exer_wide)
Step 2: Create time factor:
time_fac <- factor(c("1","2","3"), ordered=F)
Step 3: Run ANOVA (using type II SS):
exer_aov <- Anova(exer_lm, idata=data.frame(time_fac), idesign=~time_fac, type=2)
# Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity
# SS num Df Error SS den Df F Pr(>F)
# (Intercept) 894608 1 11227.0 28 2231.1372 < 2.2e-16 ***
# diet 1262 1 11227.0 28 3.1471 0.08694 .
# time_fac 2067 2 4900.6 56 11.8078 5.264e-05 ***
# diet:time_fac 193 2 4900.6 56 1.1017 0.33940
Note both the univariate and multivariate results indicate the interaction is not significant.
Now, my question is whether there's a way to specify that we don't want the interaction term fit in the model, or if there's no way around this given how the Anova()
function is set-up.