I am trying to understand how the ets function of R in the forecast package computes initial level $l_0$, and initial trend $b_0$. I was under the impression that they are set to the intercept and slope of the whole data, but it seems it's not true. I would appreciate any explanation on this.
Also, Excel 2016 introduced FORECAST.ETS function, whose results don't seem to match those produced by R's ets function. What would be possible explanations for the discrepancies in the results.
Another thing is that when I apply ets on airpass dataset, it doesn't detect seasonality period (12) correctly. The model it picks is ETS(M,A,N), and when I force it to use model="AAA" it shows the following error message: "Error in ets(airpass, model = "AAA") : Nonseasonal data."
Any help is really appreciated.