The extreme-gradient boosting algorithm seems to be widely applied these days. I often have the feeling that boosted models tend to overfit. I know that there are parameters in the algorithm to prevent this. Sticking to the documentation here the parameters subsample
and colsample_bytree
could (among others) prevent overfitting. But they do not serve for the same purpose as bagging xgboosted models would - right?
My question: would you apply bagging on top of xgboost to reduce the variance of the fit?
So far the question is statistical and I dare to add a code detail: in case bagging makes sense I would be happy about example code using the R package caret
EDIT after the remark: if we rely on the parameters only to control the overfit, then how can we design the cross-validation best? I have approx. 6000 data points and apply 5-fold x-validation. What could improve the out-of-sample performance: going to something like 10-fold x-validation or doing repeated 5-fold x-validation? Just to mention: I use the package cartet
where such strategies are implemented.
that much (I should). As I remembercaret
do not provide a outer cross-validation for a grid-search. I would feel comfortable by wrapping acaret grid search
in a outer 5 or 10fold-CV loop and check if each fold optimal paramters close to the same. For final model, pick the typical parameter set from folds and use outer CV as error estimation. $\endgroup$