How could and coskewness and cokurtosis be visualized in an easily comprehensible manner?
Mean, variances, skewness, kurtosis can easily be illustrated in density plots:
(Source: own *TeX-stuff)
The first cross-moment (co-variance) can be visualized by looking at joint densities:
How could and coskewness and cokurtosis be visualized in an easily comprehensible manner?
Whereby with coskewness (between two random variables) I mean $$\frac{\operatorname{E} \left[(X - \operatorname{E}[X])^2(Y - \operatorname{E}[Y])\right]}{\sigma_X^2 \sigma_Y}.$$ And with cokurtosis I mean both, the asymmetric $$E= {\operatorname{E}{\big[(X - \operatorname{E}[X])^3(Y - \operatorname{E}[Y])\big]} \over \sigma_X^3 \sigma_Y}$$ as well as the symetric cokurtosis $${\operatorname{E}{\big[(X - \operatorname{E}[X])^2(Y - \operatorname{E}[Y])^2\big]} \over \sigma_X^2 \sigma_Y^2}.$$
The purpose of this question is to be able to better explain these concepts to beginners