I have a bivariate normal distribution composed of the univariate normal distributions $X_1$ and $X_2$ with $\rho \approx 0.3$.
$$ \begin{pmatrix} X_1 \\ X_2 \end{pmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N} \left( \begin{pmatrix} \mu_1 \\ \mu_2 \end{pmatrix} , \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_1 & \rho \sigma_1 \sigma_2 \\ \rho \sigma_1 \sigma_2 & \sigma^2_2 \end{pmatrix} \right) $$
Is there a simple way to calculate in R the cumulative probability of $X_1$ being less than a value $z$ given a particular slice of $X_2$ (between two values $a,b$) given we know all the parameters $\mu_1, \mu_2, \sigma_1, \sigma_2, \rho$?
$P(X_1 < z | a < X_2 < b)$
Can the distribution function I am looking for match (or be approximated by) the distribution function of a univariate normal distribution (to use qnorm
)? Ideally this would be the case so I can perform the calculation with less dependencies on libraries (e.g. on a MySQL server).
This is the bivariate distribution I am using:
means <- c(79.55920, 52.29355)
variances <- c(268.8986, 770.0212)
rho <- 0.2821711
covariancePartOfMatrix <- sqrt(variances[1]) * sqrt(variances[2]) * rho
sigmaMatrix <- matrix(c(variances[1],covariancePartOfMatrix,covariancePartOfMatrix,variances[2]), byrow=T, ncol=2)
n <- 10000
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=n, mu=means, Sigma=sigmaMatrix)
This is my numerical attempt to get the correct result. However it uses generated data from the bivariate distribution and I'm not convinced it will give the correct result.
a <- 79.5
b <- 80.5
z <- 50
sliceOfDat <- subset(data.frame(dat), X1 > a, X1 < b)
estimatedMean <- mean(sliceOfDat[,c(2)])
estimatedDev <- sd(sliceOfDat[,c(2)])
estimatedPercentile <- pnorm(z, estimatedMean, estimatedDev)
Edit - R implementation of solution based on whuber's answer
Here is an implementation of the accepted solution using integrate
, compared against my original idea based on sampling. The accepted solution provides the expected output 0.5, whereas my original idea deviated by a significant amount (0.41). Update - See wheber's edit for a better implementation.
# Bivariate distribution parameters
means <- c(79.55920, 52.29355)
variances <- c(268.8986, 770.0212)
rho <- 0.2821711
# Generate sample data for bivariate distribution
n <- 10000
covariancePartOfMatrix <- sqrt(variances[1]) * sqrt(variances[2]) * rho
sigmaMatrix <- matrix(c(variances[1],covariancePartOfMatrix,covariancePartOfMatrix,variances[2]), byrow=T, ncol=2)
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=n, mu=means, Sigma=sigmaMatrix)
# Input parameters to test the estimation
w = 79.55920
a <- w - 0.5
b <- w + 0.5
z <- 52.29355
# Univariate approximation using randomness
sliceOfDat <- subset(data.frame(dat), X1 > a, X1 < b)
estimatedMean <- mean(sliceOfDat[,c(2)])
estimatedDev <- sd(sliceOfDat[,c(2)])
estimatedPercentile <- pnorm(z, estimatedMean, estimatedDev)
# OUTPUT: 0.411
# Numerical approximation from exact solution
adaptedZ <- (z - means[2]) / sqrt(variances[2])
adaptedB <- (b - means[1]) / sqrt(variances[1])
adaptedA <- (a - means[1]) / sqrt(variances[1])
exactSolutionCoeff <- 1 / (pnorm(adaptedB) - pnorm(adaptedA))
integrand <- function(x) pnorm((adaptedZ - rho * x) / sqrt(1 - rho * rho)) * dnorm(x)
exactSolutionInteg <- integrate(integrand, adaptedA, adaptedB)
# 0.0121, abs.error 1.348036e-16, "OK"
exactPercentile = exactSolutionCoeff * exactSolutionInteg$value
# OUTPUT: 0.500