If I have one clock, I know what the time is.
If I have two clocks, I now am unsure.
Although simplified, the problem is related to a more complex system I am testing.
If I have the following measurements from two systems:
Attribute System 1 System 2
A 0 0
B 10 100
C 90 100
D 100 110
E 900 1000
then I'd like a way to determine some value of error between the systems (assuming I cannot distinguish which system, if any, is correct)
- attribute A values are considered no-error or both systems correct
- attribute B values are considered a larger error than A, C, D and E values
- attributes C, D and E values are have the same error (or similar error)
Also, assume the attributes are independent.
My understanding of statistics is low, and I can only recall some things about relative error, but iirc I require knowing whether one system is correct to determine the relative error of the other system.
How does one go about resolving this issue?