In an experiment with continuous-value random variable, e.g. measuring length of cucumbers. I would like to compare the probability of getting a particular length range in two different conditions. e.g. $P1=P(0.1<L<0.2, {\rm fertilizer\ A})$, $P2=P(0.1<L<0.2, {\rm fertilizer\ B})$.
So I create 2 histograms for the lengths corresponding to each of the 2 fertilizers, $H_A$ and $H_B$. From this histograms, probabilities over ranges of L are calculated from bin counts, etc.
My aim is to show that only for some ranges (or even 1 range) of L the probabilities (or counts of the above histogram) differ while in most other length ranges the probabilities do not differ.
what is a good way to express this difference? The usual ratio $\frac{P1}{P2}$ suffers when $P1$ or $P2$ is zero. a good one is $P1-P2$ but then I would like this to be normalised over P so as to have something like a percentage change for comparison, I thought something along: $\frac{P1-P2}{P1+P2}$
I would like to plot these probability differences for various L and if possible to use a statistical test which tests the significance of probability differences for just one range and not overall (what a t-test does). I guess the significance of difference depends also on the counts for that particular range of lengths.