Suppose products A, B and C are sold on markets 1, 2 and 3. I have access to three years worth of monthly historical data. I'd like to detect/foresee possible shifts in sales mix for the three products over the three markets (e.g. I'd like to know if market 1 is buying more of product A than it used to, or if product B is cannibalizing the others on market 3).
Does a 5/10/15% increase mean that I'm facing a shift in consumer behaviour? Does it depend on the intrinsic variability of the behavioural pattern? Also how do I choose the optimal time-frame on which to perform such analysis (i.e. how do I know if comparing semester over semester increase makes more sense than comparing quarter over quarter increase)?
Would t-test/ANOVA work here? Or maybe a control chart? Or maybe some intervention detection method to check if there was a level shift in my time series? If so, how do I go about it?
Any input is greatly appreciated!