I would like to estimate the uncertainty or the reliability of a fitted curve. I intentionally don't name a precise mathematical quantity that I am looking for, since I don't know what it is.
Here $E$ (energy) is the dependent variable (response) and $V$ (volume) is the independent variable. I would like to find the Energy-Volume curve, $E(V)$, of some material. So I made some calculations with a quantum chemistry computer program to get the energy for some sample volumes (green circles in the plot).
Then I fitted these data samples with the Birch–Murnaghan function: $$ \mathbb{E}(E|V) = E_0 + \frac{9V_0B_0}{16} \left\{ \left[\left(\frac{V_0}{V}\right)^\frac{2}{3}-1\right]^3B_0^\prime + \left[\left(\frac{V_0}{V}\right)^\frac{2}{3}-1\right]^2 \left[6-4\left(\frac{V_0}{V}\right)^\frac{2}{3}\right]\right\}\;, $$ which depends on four parameters: $E_0, V_0, B_0, B_0'$. I also assume that this is the correct fitting function, so all errors just come from the noise of the samples. In what follows, the fitted function $(\hat{E})$ will be written as a function of $V$.
Here you can see the result (fitting with a least squares algorithm). The y-axis variable is $E$ and the x-axis variable is $V$. The blue line is the fit and the green circles are the sample points.
I now need some measure of the reliability (at best in dependence of the volume) of this fitted curve, $\hat{E}(V)$, because I need it to calculate further quantities like transition pressures or enthalpies.
My intutition tells me that the fitted curve is most reliable in the middle, so I guess that the uncertainty (say uncertainty range) should increase near the end of the sample data, like in this sketch:
However, what it this kind of measure that I am looking for and how can I calculate it?
To be precise, there is actually only one error source here: The calculated samples are noisy due to computational limits. So if I would calculate a dense set of data samples they would form a bumpy curve.
My idea to find the desired uncertainty estimate is to calculate the following ''error'' based on the parameters as you learn it in school (propagation of uncertainty):
$$ \Delta E(V) = \sqrt{ \left(\frac{\partial E(V)}{\partial E_0} \Delta E_0\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial E(V)}{\partial V_0} \Delta V_0\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial E(V)}{\partial B_0} \Delta B_0\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial E(V)}{\partial B_0'} \Delta B_0'\right)^2} $$ The $\Delta E_0, \Delta V_0, \Delta B_0$ and $\Delta B_0'$, are given by the fitting software.
Is that an acceptable approach or am I doing it wrong?
PS: I know that I could also just sum up the squares of the residuals between my data samples and the curve to get some kind of ''standard error'' but this is not volume dependent.