I have a linear model with 12 regressors and sample size 42, which I want to test for heteroscedasticity. Hence, I applied a white test in the following way
- regress $y=X\beta + e$
- regress residuals $\hat e^2=\beta_1+\beta_2x_2+\cdots+\beta_{13}x_2^2+...+\beta_{25}x_{1}x_2+\cdots+u $
- reject $H_0: \sigma_i^2=\sigma^2$ if $N\cdot R^2_{\hat e^2} > \chi^{2, 1-\alpha}_{s}$
Since I have $N=42$ and $s=90$* the test statistic is maximum $42$ and can thus never exceed $\chi^{2, 1-\alpha}_{s}$, which is $112$ for $\alpha=5%$.
What does that mean? Can there be no Heteroscedasticity in this case? This feels counterintuitive since I actually get an $R^2=1$ in step 2 and thus the $x$ terms have much explanatory power on the residuals. So am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
$*$ ($12$ variables, $12$ squared terms and $\frac{n*(n-1)}{2}=66$ crossterms)