R's document says that delta is the raw cross-validation estimate of prediction error, which i think is prediction error rate in the situation of logistic regression. However, when i try to calculate prediction error rate with my own function the result is different.
> fit=glm(Direction~Lag1+Lag2,family = binomial,data = Weekly)
> cv.err=cv.glm(Weekly,fit)
> cv.err$delta[1]
[1] 0.2464536
my function:
> fun=function(){
+ count=0
+ for(i in 1:length(Direction)){
+ fit=glm(Direction~Lag1+Lag2,family = binomial,data = Weekly[-i,])
+ prob=predict(fit,newdata = Weekly[i,],type = "response")
+ pred="Down"
+ if(prob>0.5)
+ pred="Up"
+ if(pred!=Direction[i])
+ count=count+1
+ }
+ return(count/length(Direction))
+ }
> fun()
[1] 0.4499541
Why the result is different? Could anyone explain this for me?
is labeled as 1, while glm does not make such assumptions, but simply predicts the probabilities of success. Compute your errors from what glm predicted not from rounded predictions. $\endgroup$