I have the following problem: A truck transports oranges. Each orange has a mean weight of 85g and a sd of 9 g. If the truck transports 2000 oranges what is the probability that the total weight is greater than 175kg? Now suppose that there are 3400 oranges and the total weight is 255kg. What is the probability that the mean weight of each orange is greater than 76g?
My attempt to the solution for the first question is obvious: $\sigma_{\bar{X}}=9/\sqrt{2000}$ and $\bar{X}=175000/2000=87.5g$. So I have to find \begin{equation} P\left(\frac{87.5-85}{\sigma_{\bar{X}}}<Z\right)=P(12.5<Z) \end{equation} Which is essentially zero. This defies my intuition somehow... Am I doing something wrong? For the second question I am a bit stuck. In this case $\bar{X}=255000/3400=75g$ and $\sigma_{\bar{X}} = 9/\sqrt{3400}$. I think that the probability that the mean is greater than 76g is the same as saying what is the probability $P(Z<-6.47)$ but again this is counterintuitive... What am I doing wrong?