I am doing a research on a survey data and I am quite new to the notion of individual weights. I am confused about how to use them to calculate the descriptive statistics and to estimate models (I use R
). When I open the data with SPSS, it looks like this:
I know that weighting is done to make the sample representative for the population. However, I do not know how to take it into consideration while plotting and analyzing. Does the value of INDWT (individual weight) of 1398 in the first row mean that that very respondent's answer can be applied to 1398 people?
I contacted data manager of the organisation, she provided me with the STATA do file where they have done the weighing part of this very dataset. I have never worked with STATA, but check here the STATA do file.
(I use 2015 database; here is the link
Here is the unweighted distribution of respondent's income last month. If we consider individual weights the picture must change. Please tell me how to take weights into account in R
to get the right picture and later use it for classifying weighted observations of personal income last month variable.
in R . I am not sure if it helps you or not. $\endgroup$