I'm comparing two datasets from DNA sequencing studies, and comparing mutation rates in genes between the two datasets, which I'm doing using a two-tailed Fisher's exact test (please correct me if I'm wrong in using it in this situation!). I've run the test in R using the fisher.test function, and have included a subset of the data and output below:
Dataset1: n=817
Dataset2: n=18
MutationsDataset1 MutationsDataset2 p-value
GeneA 282 1 0.00975201620794552
GeneB 280 5 0.626542416245188
GeneC 62 4 0.04683126626377
GeneD 50 3 0.100176241063714
GeneE 47 1 1
GeneF 42 1 0.617780181704477
GeneG 41 1 0.608902818182774
GeneH 41 1 0.0384567660866955
GeneI 21 6 9.12505956956652e-06
My question is, why do I get p=1 for GeneE? Shouldn't a p-value never reach 1 or 0 (only converge on it)? Is this just R rounding up from 0.99999...?
This can be replicated as follows:
df<-data.frame(x=c(47, (817-47)), y=c(1, (18-1)))
fisher.test(df, alternative="two.sided")
The table for GeneE is as follows:
Dataset1 Dataset2
Mutated 47 1
NotMutated 770 17
in R. $\endgroup$