My answer seems like more than a comment but not quite an answer. Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong format.
I'll take the other side of "how do you know it's somatic?" If you want to use normal samples to estimate context-specific technical error rates, do you risk (and/or do you care about) low-frequency residual clones confounding that estimate? I suppose it depends on whether or not you can assume non-zero residual disease can exist in these normal samples at a frequency in the ballpark of your error rate (~0.1-1%). Are your normal samples from the same tissue type? If you have on the order of 10 I'm assuming these are all hematological. Ideally, I'd consider estimating these error rates from completely independent tissues, or, more practically, from different patients (samples processed in the same way, but from individuals who never had evidence of harboring the variant in question). Just an opinion.
Regarding the actual statistical approach, I wonder if a likelihood framework would be useful here. Your data are generated by a binomial process, where the number of non-reference reads, X, out of n sequencing reads is given by X~Bin(n,p). Here p is a reflection the the true variant allele frequency/fraction (VAF) and your technical error rate:
p=P(true non-reference)(1-error rate) + P(true reference)(error rate)
So the assumption that VAF=0 in control samples reduces to p=(1)(error rate).
Your tumor sample and N control samples are N+1 independent experiments:
Your null hypothesis is that p[i] is the same for all samples (estimate for p comes from pooling all tumor and control samples). Your alternative is that p[i] is different for the tumor sample versus your control samples (maximum likelihood estimate for tumor p[i] is derived from the tumor sample, estimate for control p[i] is derived from pooled control samples). Your likelihood statistic is then:
D=-2ln(p(observed non-reference counts X[1], X[2], ..., X[N+1] | jointly estimated p)) + 2ln(p(observed non-reference counts X[1], X[2], ..., X[N+1] | p estimated independently for tumor vs. control samples))
You can then calculate a p-value for this test statistic either empirically or using a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom.