I want to write the expression for covariance matrix of following linear model
$$x= As+ v$$ Where $A\in R^{N\times p}, s\in R^{p\times 1}$, $v$ consists of MVN noise only with mean $Bz$ and covariance $R=\sigma^2I$, $v\sim \mathcal{N}[Bz, \sigma^2I ]$: $B\in R^{N\times t}, \phi\in R^{t\times 1}, t<N-p$. Now the matrices $A$ and $B$ are linearly independent, i.e $A^TB \neq 0 $ and each matrix is full rank.
Although, I know how to write the covariance matrix expression for following signal $x$ which obeys linear subspace model
$$x=As+n$$ Where $s$ is independent of noise,then covariance $C=AE[ss^T]A^T+\sigma^2I$ for Gaussian noise of zero mean. What if I write the covariance matrix expression for first model as $C=AE[ss^T]A^T+ BE[zz^T]B^T+\sigma^2I$, is it the right way ?
Please suggest as I can not find a reference.
Appreciate your suggestions!