Suppose I have some initial correlation matrix. I want to stress each correlation in the matrix by the same constant simultaneously (except the diagonal; lets call this global parallel stress since it affects the entire matrix by the same constant at the same time). I start with adding 0.01% to each correlation and check if the matrix is still PSD. I continue increasing the stress levels by small increments. Eventually I encounter a stress level above which the matrix would no longer be PSD. Let's call this the upper stress boundary. I repeat the same procedure for negative stresses and find the lower stress boundary.
My general observation was that the minimum eigenvalue initial correlation matrix is roughly equal to the upper stress boundary. Is there an analytical solution for this problem?
Generally, I am more interested in the upper stress boundary. I stress the entire matrix at the same time because it is a simple way to reduce diversification benefit across all market variables. However, from a theoretical point of view it would be interesting to find out how to analytically calculate both lower and upper stress boundaries.
EDIT: please see a previous thread, which might be relevant here (some brilliant idea's from kwak): Correlation stress testing