Actually, there are many ways to incorporate prior knowledge into neural networks. The simplest type of prior knowledge often used is weight decay. Weight decay assumes the weights come from a normal distribution with zero mean and some fixed variance. This type of prior is added as an extra term to the loss function, having the form:
$$\mathcal{L}(w) = E(w) + \lambda\frac{1}{2}||w||_2^2,$$
where $E(w)$ is the data term (e.g. a MSE loss) and $\lambda$ controls the relative importance of the two terms; it is also proportional to the prior variance. This corresponds to the negative log-likelihood of the following probability:
$$p(w|\mathcal{D})\propto p(\mathcal D|w)p(w),$$
where $p(w)=\mathcal N(w|0,\lambda^{-1}I)$ and $-\log p(w)\propto -\log\,\exp(-\frac{\lambda}{2}||w||_2^2)=\frac{\lambda}{2}||w||_2^2$. This is the same as the bayesian approach to modeling prior knowledge.
However, there are also other, less straight-forward methods to incorporate prior knowledge into neural networks. They are very important: prior knowledge is what really bridges the gap between huge neural networks and (relatively) small datasets. Some examples are:
Data augmentation: By training the network on data perturbed by various class-preserving transformations, you are incorporating your prior knowledge about the domain, namely the transformations that the network should be invariant to.
Network architecture: One of the most successful neural network techniques of the past decades are the convolutional networks. Their architecture sharing limited field-of-view kernels over spatial locations brilliantly exploits our knowledge about data in image space. This is also a form of prior knowledge incorporated into the model.
Regularization loss terms: Similar to weight decay, it is possible to construct other loss terms which penalize mappings contradicting our domain knowledge.
For an in-depth analysis/overview of these methods, I can point you to my article Regularization for Deep Learning: A Taxonomy. Also, I recommend looking into bayesian neural networks, meta-learning (finding meaningful prior information from other tasks in the same domain, see e.g. (Baxter, 2000)), possibly also one-shot learning (e.g. (Lake et al., 2015)).