Your problem here is made substantially easier by the fact that you are dealing with a finite sets of musicians and instruments. With ordered sets of $n$ musicians and $n$ instruments, there are $n!$ bijections mapping the musicians to the instruments. Thus, your statistical problem is to predict a finite categorical outcome variable (with $n!$ possible values) using your quantitative skills as explanatory variables.
A standard model for this type of analysis is multinomial logistic regression. Since the musicians come in an arbitrary order, you would need to impose an ordering rule on them based on the skill measurements, to have a well-defined bijection from an ordered domain (e.g., you might order the musicians using a lexicographic order on their skills in guitar, drums, bass, timing and creativity respectively). You could also constrain your regression function so that it is "symmetric" with respect to reordering of the musicians and bijection (i.e., if you swap the skills of any two band members then the resulting bijection should be the same, except with the mapping swapped for those two musicians. This would require some care in your coding of the model, but it ought to be possible to do.
In your particular case you have $n=4$ so there are $n! = 24$ possible bijections forming possible outputs in the model. It should be feasible to build a multinomial logistic regression for this problem with a reasonable sized corpus of bands for your training data. You would need to code the 24-types of bands as a categorical output variable and specify an appropriate regression function with your skill variables to predict this categorical output variable.