I tend to use ecdf plots when viewing distributions, particularly if I have several distributions I'm trying to compare. Because these use lines rather than bars (histograms) or shapes (density plots) there is less of an issue with overlap.
dat_data <- data.table(meanval = rnorm(10),
sdval = runif(10, 0.5, 3),
rep = sample.int(1000, 10))
# meanval sdval rep
# 1: -0.56047565 2.7238483 964
# 2: -0.23017749 2.2320085 902
# 3: 1.55870831 2.1012670 690
# 4: 0.07050839 2.9856744 794
# 5: 0.12928774 2.1392645 25
# 6: 1.71506499 2.2713262 476
# 7: 0.46091621 1.8601651 754
# 8: -1.26506123 1.9853551 215
# 9: -0.68685285 1.2228993 316
# 10: -0.44566197 0.8677841 230
First, we generated some parameters for mean
, sd
, and rep
. Then, randomly sample rep
number of times from a normal distribution with a given mean
and sd
dat <- rbindlist(lapply(1:dim(dat_data)[1],
function(x) data.table(rowval = x,
dist = rnorm(dat_data[x, rep],
dat_data[x, meanval],
dat_data[x, sdval]))))
That gives a test dataset. You wouldn't need to do any of the above since you already have your data. Now we can plot the ecdf.
ggplot(dat, aes(x = dist, group = factor(rowval), color = factor(rowval))) +
stat_ecdf(size = 2)
You'll notice that row 5, which has the lowest rep number of 25, looks quite choppy. The degree of 'chop' can give you a clue as to the relative number, to some degree.
For reference, plotting the same data with geom_density
ggplot(dat, aes(x = dist, fill = factor(rowval))) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.3)