We have the following loss function for logistic regression, the so called log-loss defined as:
$- \Big[\sum_i y^{i}\log(h(x^i))+(1-y^i)\log(1-h(x^i))\Big]$
We also know that logistic regression assigns a datasample to class y=1 if the posterior probability $h(x)$ of class $y=1$ is bigger than 0.5.
Now my question: The term $y^{i}\log(h(x^i))$ quantifies the case where the true label is "$y=1$", but the prediction is "$y=0$". The prediction "$y=0$" is however only done when $h(x)<0.5$. Does this mean that the $h(x^i)$ in $y^{i}\log(h(x^i))$ always will be $<0.5$?