For the sake of example, suppose we have a list of advertisements $\{A_i\}_{i=1}^n$, each of which have parameters $I_i$: the number of impressions, and $C_i$ the number of clicks. Then $C_i/I_i$ denotes the click-thru rate of advertisement $i$.
I'm writing an MAB Thompson sampler, whose job is to sample from advertisements $\{A_i\}$. This works by sampling a random values according to:
$$\theta_i\approx \mbox{Beta}(\alpha+C_i-1,\beta+I_i-C_i-1),$$
after which we choose advertisement $A_s$, where $s=\mbox{argmax}_i(\{\theta\}_{i=1}^n)$.
Due to security reasons, I can't explicitly show $I_i,C_i$ anywhere in the code (this is happening client-side). So I was thinking that instead of delivering $I_i,C_i$, I could deliver transformed versions $\tilde{I}_i,\tilde{C}_i$ of these, and exploit some of the equivalence properties of beta distributions. My worry is that this isn't enough: if you know the true values must be integers, then maybe there's a way to recover the original values. Suggestions?