Linear correlation is probably not the best tool to use. After all the correlation between temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius will have a high correlation, but not be good predictions of each other (unless close to -40).
More commonly the Mean Squared Error (MSE) or just a sum of squared errors (differences between the observed and predicted value) is used.
There are R packages that do cross-validation (modelr is one, I am sure that there are others).
For random forests, another common option is to use the out-of-bag predictions. Each individual tree is based on a bootstrap sample, this means that each tree was fit using on average about 2 thirds of the data, so the remaining 1 third makes a natural "Test" set for validation. For each observed data point, use the trees that did not include that data point to do the prediction and compare. The randomForest package does this internally for variable importance.