Matrices are represented by bold uppercase letters; for example, a set of N input p-vectors $x_i$, $i = 1, \dots ,N$ would be represented by the $N×p$ matrix $X$. In general, vectors will not be bold, except when they have N components; this convention distinguishes a p-vector of inputs $x_i$ for the $i^{th}$ observation from the N-vector $\textbf{x}_j$ consisting of all the observations on variable $X_j$. Since all vectors are assumed to be column vectors, the $i^{th}$ row of $X$ is $x^T_i$, the vector transpose of $x_i$.
The above text is taken from chapter 2 page 10, I understand the first sentence, data is represented in a matrix where there are p variables and N observations. What I don't understand is this bit:
this convention distinguishes a p-vector of inputs $x_i$ for the $i^{th}$ observation from the N-vector $\textbf{x}_j$ consisting of all the observations on variable $X_j$
Can someone please clarify this?