This is just an extended comment (and definitely not an answer) adding some details and checks to @whuber 's answer. (Mathematica is used when some code is needed.)
From Qi (2010) the tail index of the distribution function $F$ is $1/\gamma$ defined by
$$1-F(y)=y^{-1/\gamma} L(y)$$
for $y>0$ with the function $L$ satisfying
$$\lim_{t\rightarrow \infty} {{L(t y)}\over{L(t)}} = 1$$
We start with the density function for the generalized beta distribution of the second kind:
f[y_] := (Abs[a]/(b^(a p) Beta[p, q])) y^(a p - 1)/(1 + (y/b)^a)^(p + q)
As noted by @whuber the term $\left(\left(\frac{y}{b}\right)^a+1\right)^{-p-q}$ can be replaced by $\left(\left(\frac{y}{b}\right)^a\right)^{-p-q}$ when $y$ is large:
f4LargeY[y_] := FullSimplify[f[y] //. (1 + (y/b)^a)^(-p - q) -> y^(-a (p + q)) b^(a (p + q))]
which simplifies to
$$\frac{\left| a\right| b^{a q} y^{-a q-1}}{B(p,q)}$$
We should check on that assumption by taking the limit of the ratio of the two functions to see if that ratio approaches
1 as $y\rightarrow \infty$:
Limit[f[y]/f4LargeY[y], y -> \[Infinity], Assumptions -> {a > 0, b > 0, p > 0, q > 0}]
(* 1 *)
and the limit is 1.
We see that $1-F(y)$ is approximately $\int_y^{\infty } \text{f4LargeY}(t) \, dt$ for large enough values of $y$:
OneMinusF = Integrate[f4LargeY[t], {t, y, \[Infinity]},
Assumptions -> {a > 0, b > 0, p > 0, q > 0, y > 0}] /. (b/y)^(a q) -> y^(-a q) b^(a q)
We have $1-F(y) \approx \frac{b^{a q} y^{-a q}}{q B(p,q)}$ for large $y$. If we let $L(y)=\frac{b^{a q}}{q B(p,q)}$, then this
function satisfies the requirement in Qi (2010) as $L(y)$ is just a constant.
L[y_] := b^(a q)/(q Beta[p, q])
Limit[L[t y]/L[y], t -> \[Infinity]]
(* 1 *)
So (and, yes, this is a bit of overkill in the use of Solve
) we can solve for the tail index
FullSimplify[Solve[OneMinusF == y^(-tailIndex) L[y], tailIndex],
Assumptions -> {y > 0, a > 0, b > 0, p > 0, q > 0}][[1, 1]]
(* tailIndex -> a q *)