The main issue is that the integrals involved are multivariate. A confusing thing about Bishop's notation is that, inside those integrals, $q_i$ should actually be $q_i(\mathbf{Z}_i)$.
So we want to maximize the bound
$$\mathcal{L}(q) = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}\sim q}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})]-\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}\sim q}[\log q(\mathbf{Z})] $$
with respect to the $j$-th marginal of the distribution $q$.
Because of the mean-field assumption, $$\log q(\mathbf{Z})= \log q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j) + \sum_{i \neq j} \log q_i(\mathbf{Z}_i),$$
therefore the entropy term will be:
$$\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}\sim q}[\log q(\mathbf{Z})] = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}_j\sim q_j}[\log q(\mathbf{Z}_j)]+ \sum_{i \neq j} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}_i\sim q_i}[\log q(\mathbf{Z}_i)].$$
Now, for the first term of the sum, there is actually no extra integral, it's just that we're considering a multivariate integral. We'll use the mean field assumption to break the multivariate integral:
$$ \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}\sim q}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})] = \int \log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z}) q(\mathbf{Z})d\mathbf{Z}\\=\int \log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z}) \prod_i q_i(\mathbf{Z}_i)d\mathbf{Z}_i \\= \int \left( \log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})\prod_{i\neq j}q_i(\mathbf{Z}_i)d\mathbf{Z}_i\right) q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j)d\mathbf{Z}_j \\=
\int \left( \mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})]\right) q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j)d\mathbf{Z}_j,$$
using the notation that Bishop introduces in Formula (10.8):
$$\mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})] = \int \log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})\prod_{i\neq j}q_i(\mathbf{Z}_i)d\mathbf{Z}_i.$$
Now, denoting
$$A = \int \exp(\mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})])d\mathbf{Z}_j,$$
we can write:
$$ \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}\sim q}[\log p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})] =\int \mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log (p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})A/A)]q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j)d\mathbf{Z}_j \\= \int \mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log (p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})/A)]q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j)d\mathbf{Z}_j +\log(A).$$
Note that, in Bishop's notations, we have exactly:
$$\tilde{p}(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z}_j) = \exp \mathbb{E}_{i \neq j}[\log (p(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z})/A)].$$
By combining everything, we end up with:
$$\mathcal{L}(q) = \int \log \tilde{p}(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Z}_j)q_j(\mathbf{Z}_j)d\mathbf{Z}_j + \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}_j\sim q_j}[\log q(\mathbf{Z}_j)]+ \sum_{i \neq j} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{Z}_i\sim q_i}[\log q(\mathbf{Z}_i)] + \log(A).$$
where the two last terms are the "constants" that do not depend on $q_j$.