I have to draw a survival probability plot with three different surviuval estimates using the phreg, lifereg and the lifetest procedure with sas for make a confrontation
the models:
proc phreg data=data;
class trt;
model time*event(0)=trt / rl;
proc lifereg data=data;
model time*event(0) = trt / dist=weibull;
proc lifetest data =data METHOD=KM;
time time*event(0);
i know that for the lifetest it's possible to draw the survival probability plot by using "plots = (s)" and for the phreg by using "plot(overlay)=survival", but i don't know how to draw this plot type with the lifereg and how to draw an unique plot with the three survival curves for make the confrontation
thank you in advance