I have a data set that includes seven patients. Each patient is administered one of two different treatment modalities over follow-up. Several metrics were calculated at each visit, and I now wish to compare these.
Patients attended a baseline visit, then 6 weekly follow-up visits. So each patient has 7 repeated measures (separated by one week) where the treatment is administered each time.
So my idea was, for the second statistical analysis, to use a Wilcoxon test on the repeated measures of all patients, and set them as paired of course. So I take all values for one metrics for treatment 1, and compare it to all values for the same metric for treatment 2. Is that way off ?
However, I'm a bit uncertain what to do about the first one. I have 7 patients, and several metrics. Each metric should be compared between the two modalities. Is that just a t.test, an ANOVA, or something else ?