If I understood the algorithm properly it should go like this:
- Randomly initialize SOM weights $\xi_1, ... , \xi_n$ in feature space.
- Randomly pick sample from training set v(k) (k as in step k)
- Find BMU (Best matching unit, closest SOM vector to feature vector) b(k)
- Update all $\xi_m$ according to the following rule:
$$ \xi_m(k + 1) = \xi_m(k) + \alpha(k)h(k, dist(V_m, b(k))[v(k) - \xi_m(k)] $$
Where $\alpha(k)$ is the learning rate and $h(k, dist(V_m, b(k)) = exp(-\frac{dist(V_m, b(k))}{\sigma^2(k)}) $
- Update $\alpha(k+1)= \alpha(0) exp(- k/ \lambda)$ and $\sigma(k+1) = \sigma(0) exp(-k/\lambda)$
- Repeat from step 2 until desired number of iterations is reached.
So from my understanding execution time should be mainly dependant on number of iterations and dimension, not on size of training set.
Problem is that when playing around with (mvpa2.mappers.som.SimpleSOMMapper). I get that the execution time incresases with the size of my dataset.
data = np.random.randint(low=0, high= 255, size = (100,3))
data =data/255
som = SimpleSOMMapper((10,10), 1000, learning_rate= 0.01)
Outputs wall time of 5.8 s. While,
data = np.random.randint(low=0, high= 255, size = (1000,3))
data =data/255
som = SimpleSOMMapper((10,10), 1000, learning_rate= 0.01)
Outputs wall time of 58 s. What am I missing? And, most importantly how can I apply this algorithm to large data sets ? Are there better python libraries for this?