Your method works.
Take a standard bivariate normal random variable $(X_1,X_2)$ with correlation $\tau$. Let $\Phi$ be the standard Normal distribution function. The copula $(U_1,U_2)$ given by $U_i = \Phi(X_i)$ has some correlation $\rho=f(\tau)$. Although this function $f$ cannot be determined analytically (as far as I can tell), numerical integration with a full suite of values $\tau$ spanning the interval $[-1,1]$ suggests its inverse $f^{-1}$, which determines what $\tau$ needs to be to yield a correlation $\rho$, can be approximated to about $0.000001$ throughout the interval by the function
$$\hat f^{-1}(\rho) = \frac{4118}{3163} \sin(\rho/3) + \frac{3183}{3149} \sin(2 \rho/3) - \frac{145}{2391} \sin(3 \rho/3).$$
Tests with the following R
implementation support the claimed accuracy. (Actually, it would take a large simulation--greater than $10^{12}$ observations--to detect the error of approximation.)
Let $f_\tau$ be the standard bivariate Normal density,
$$f_\tau(x_1,x_2) = \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{1-\tau^2}} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2(1-\tau^2)}(x_1^2+x_2^2-2\tau x_1x_2)\right).$$
Then the correlation of the $U_i$ is a function of the moments
$$m_\tau(i,j) = E[U_1^i U_2^j] = E[\Phi(X_1)^i\Phi(X_2)^j] = \iint f_\tau(x_1,x_2) \Phi(x_1)^i \Phi(x_2)^j dx_1 dx_2;$$
$$f(\tau)=\operatorname{Cor}(U_1,U_2) = \frac{m_\tau(1,1) - m_\tau(1,0)^2}{m_\tau(2,0)-m_\tau(1,0)^2}.$$
Most of these have easy analytical expressions based on univariate moments of the uniform distribution, because they do not depend on $\rho$: $m_\rho(1,0)=1/2,$ $m_\rho(2,0)=1/3.$ The one I integrated numerically is $m_\rho(1,1)$. I enforced the symmetry $f(-\tau)=-f(\tau)$ by numerically computing both $f(\pm \tau)$ and averaging their absolute values. <- function(rho) {
4118/3163 * sin(rho/3) + 3183/3149 * sin(2 * rho/3) - 145/2391 * sin(rho)
# curve(, 0, 1, xname="rho") # Compare to a linear function
library(MASS) # mvrnorm
n <- 1e5 # observations to simulate
d <- 5 # dimensions
rho <- 0.6 # Must lie in [-1/(d-1), 1]
# Compute the correlation matrix for the multivariate Normal distribution.
rho.norm <-
Sigma <- matrix(rho.norm, d, d) + diag(rep(1-rho.norm, d))
# Simulate data.
x <- pnorm(mvrnorm(n, rep(0, d), Sigma))
# Display the data.
# pairs(x) # The scatterplots
# par(mfrow=c(1, d))
# apply(x, 2, hist) # The histograms (will be uniform)
# par(mfrow=c(1,1))
Sigma.hat <- cor(x)
prec <- ceiling(log10(n)/2)
signif(Sigma.hat, prec) # Should almost match `rho` in all off-diagonal entries
signif(mean(Sigma.hat[lower.tri(Sigma.hat)]), prec+1)