Is there ever a reason to use a first differenced VAR over a VECM when all your variables are I(1) and co integration exists?
The reason why I ask is because I see in the most recent Bank of Canada Analytic note on the minimum wage increase (page 15) it seems that opt for a reduced form VAR over a VECM. $$\Delta \text{CPI}_t^p=\Sigma_{i=0}^4\eta_i \Delta\text{MW}_{t-i}+\Delta \alpha_1\text{CPI}_{t-1}^{p}+\alpha_2\Delta\text{UR}_t^p+\mu^m+\mu^y+\mu^p+\mathcal{E}_t$$
Is my understanding of the model correct? Is this theoretically sound?
The answer I got from the bank of Canada with regard to this question is the following:
Equation A1 (the equation in the question) is estimated with ordinary least squares (OLS). Data are pooled.
The equation above is neither a VAR or a VECM. It seems a little odd, but that is the model which is employed.