It certainly is problem specific. E.g., for linear GMM estimators, we can find an analytical solution to the problem (using the notation from Hayashi's book, i.e., instruments $x$, regressors $z$, coefficient vector $\delta$, sample moments denoted by $S$, weighting matrix $\hat W$)
$$J(\tilde{\delta},\widehat{W}):=n\cdot g_n(\tilde{\delta})'\widehat{W}g_n(\tilde{\delta}),$$
so that, unlike for nonlinear problems, there is no need for iterative methods:
$J(\tilde{\delta},\widehat{W})$ can be written as
Accordingly, the first order condition for a minimum is
Multiplying out the terms in $J(\tilde{\delta},\widehat{W})$ gives
The derivative follows as
Premultiplying with the (invertible for sufficiently large $n$) matrix
$$(S_{xz}'\widehat{W}S_{xz})^{-1}$$ gives the solution, the GMM estimator
or equivalently,