After running a least squares regression, I have the problem that one of my regressors has a really high standard error while the coefficient on this variable is very close to zero. After checking variance inflation measure I am quite sure that it is not a multicollinearity issue.
Coef. Std. Err.
X1 .911 .193
X2 .286 .089
X3 -.166 .082
X4 .016 .044
X5 -.024 .787
The VIF on variable X5 is 2.82. It strikes me as unusual that a variable with such a small coefficient has such a large standard error.
What else are potential (econometric) explanations for one single standard error being that high?
Some additional information:
I have panel data with 92 units over 10 years (strictly balanced). I am running a Fixed Effects 2SLS in Stata using xtivreg, where variable X1 is endogenous, and X2-X5 are exogenous. I checked the VIF with Fixed-Effects-transformed variables. I used both conventional Standard Errors, as well as clustering on the country level, the issues of a high standard error on the one variable stayed the same.
summary statistic for variables:
Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max.
Y | 920 .822 .197 .25 1
X1 | 920 .817 .061 .582 .948
X2 | 920 9.44 1.06 6.71 11.8
X3 | 920 26.0 1.72 22.1 30.5
X4 | 920 3.80 .248 2.77 4.37
X5 | 920 .241 .023 .189 .291