So, i'm working with fuzzy clustering for Mixed data. Then i want to do Visualization for clustering result. Here is my data
> head(x)
x1 x2 x3 x4
A C 8.461373 27.62996
B C 10.962334 27.22474
A C 9.452127 27.57246
B D 8.196687 27.29332
A D 8.961367 26.72793
B C 8.009029 27.97227
i followed this step
gower_dist <- daisy(x,
metric = "gower")
#type = list(logratio = 1))
tsne_obj <- Rtsne(gower_dist1, dims=2 ,is_distance = TRUE)
tsne_data = data.frame(tsne_obj1$Y, factor(g1$clusters))
colnames(tsne_data1)[3] = "cluster"
ggplot(aes(x = X1, y = X2), data = tsne_data1) +
geom_point(aes(color = cluster))
Based on the website, first step is transformed the data using Gower distance (i guess), than applying R-tsne. So My question is : Is it good using Rtsne for mixed data (as Representative the points)? i have doubt, with gower distance in the first step, its like force your categorical data to be numeric data. but one thing that amazed me, my method always give better result than classic method based on the plot. so this is important for me to know better about this, can i use the plot as a tool to measure the goodness of clustering result? because based on the plot, its not difficult to determine which method is better (by plotting clustering result), i give plot images below, i really impressed with it. &