I am estimating the following the model:
$\Delta y_{ijt} = \alpha_{j}*\alpha_{t} + \beta*x_{it-1} + \epsilon_{ijt}$,
where $\alpha_{j}$ are individual dummies and $\alpha_{t}$ are time dummies, such that $\alpha_{j}*\alpha_{t}$ is a high-dimensional categorical variable (roughly 34000 dummies). $x_{it-1}$ are some other (continuous) controls, $\epsilon_{ijt}$ is the error term. $\Delta y_{ijt}$ is defined as $y_{ijt} - y_{ijt-1}$, whereas $y_{ijt} > 0 ~\forall ~i,j,t$ and is continuous. I estimate the model using OLS on the demeaned data (within-estimator rather than actually including the dummies).
By construction I have $y_{ijt} > y_{ijt-1} \Rightarrow \Delta y_{ijt} > 0$. Can this property of $\Delta y_{ijt}$ cause problems (biased estimates of coefficients, biased standard errors)? I got an remark suggesting this but haven't had the chance to asked the person who made the remark for further explanation. So, I'll hoped someone here can provide some clarification.